Friday, January 21, 2011

To blog or not to blog.

After reading Megan Reardon’s interview, I have decided that maintaining a blog would be an excellent way to organize my life. My new year’s resolution is to take more pictures and videos of the college life I am living. Without these memories on file I may soon forget them!! A blog could help me motivate myself to take pictures and videos to post. I know Facebook has the ability to hold my pictures and thoughts, but in my opinion, Facebook is becoming too impersonal. I want people to read what I have to say instead of automatically seeing it on their news feed.
Megan keeps her blog simple without using fancy blog templates and I’m impressed that she answers all of her e-mail even if it takes her months. Her hate for writing papers is much similar to mine, but free writing is her niche which I too, enjoy. She has also reached out enough  to get some of her knitting patterns published in books so it’s evident that blogging can even advance a career.
Without getting too personal, Megan posts aspects of her everyday life that obviously entertains her followers. Whether it’s cooking, Christmas décor, clothes, or crafts she is holding the attention of 4,000 daily readers. Although I have not read many blogs yet, after checking Megan’s I realize that some of her ideas relate to me so why not start searching for blogs that have an even closer relation?

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